hehe, big votes
here's your 10 and i voted 5(",)
hehe, big votes
here's your 10 and i voted 5(",)
Hmmm, nt sure how long u hav 2 wait or if i missed something but there were no grannies, ticket inspectors, tickets or money when i played, i was just walking around an empty station. If i missed somethin lemme know but if i didn't fix fix fix.
try goin in to the train, where it is indented, maybe i should of made it more door looking, , good luck :D
Dumb Game
But I love it! Lol. It's a silly bt original idea and it would be kewl if it was expanded. Like levels maybe, and something to do with lemon juicw hitting you in the eye. But great game. Fun music and fun to do. Plus it made me smile!
Yea it's just ridiculous, fun, and cheap. Expansion would defeat it's charm I think, but who knows. I sped the music up a lot, thanks for the review.
What more can i say than wow?! Excellent game! Thank you for making my day just a little bit better!
Classic Re-Vamp, and it works!
Great take on an old classic! Loved the cute graphics and music. But it's downfall lies in the firing system. There comes a point where it is impossible to hit a bomb if it falls too low, not for the speed of the bullets but for the fact that the bullets have to collide to explode a bomb. It'd be better if the bombs were destroyed as soon as the bullets hit them. Or, even better, if there were difficulty settings and the bullets destroy bombs on contact in easy mode but there's only one cannon or something. Besides tht, good job!
Original, i'll give it that. And for a while, fun. But very repetitive. Also, I found the movement restrictive and limited. The Bionicle moves very slowly and can only aim at a certain angle, so when the enemies get closer it can take a while and be difficult to kill them. The power ups were kewl though. Like u said, a little simple, but I can't mark you down because you did state it. Good game, enjoyable but with a couple of kinks.
Original, Unique, Good Game
Great game, extremely unique and original. Although i have to agree with Scythian, it does get a little boring after a while for me but it has the right amount of variation from level to level to keep my interest for a while. The only reason the score isn't higher is because it's not my kind of game and the graphics i think could be improved upon, i.e. the quick sand and mines. But good game, keep it up!
The graphics are a little simple-i'll keep that in mind for my next game
Like shooting fish in an egg cup...dead fish
I don't think it's well delevoped. I know you're adding stuff but it's not exactly original. But i'll definitely replay and re-review it when you've taken it further.
I saw the instructions and thought 'Shit, not ANOTHER Snake variant'. But i was surprised by how good it was. Realistic physics in relation to the snake's movement, blood and mouse skeletons! Great game! But maybe if the mice ran around a little it would be more challenging and if it got progressively faster tht'd be kewl, but good game.
I am a guy who likes stuff...lots of stuff...Oh yeah, and i'm mega lazy
Age 35, Male
Of Hard Knocks
London, UK
Joined on 7/29/07